Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lucky me - mother of two happy and healthy children.

         I remember being pregnant for the first time... Surprisingly fast and unexpected... We sure thought time was not right, but were excited and happy anyways. Of course, life always proves us wrong - it was in fact perfect time and i would not change that for nothing. I was aware of miscarriages. I had some light bleeding in the first  trimester and i remember my mom completely freaking me out - as in her book it could only mean one thing. I also remember being excited for the end of the first trimester - not only to say good bye to my not so morning sickness - it was not severe - but it was 24/7- but also to feel a bit of relief that hopefully we are not gonna to learn any more about miscarriages at this time - as most of them do tend to happen very early on. I had my son few days past my due date... We were in Ukraine and it was Easter. At 3 months old his worldwide travel has began - as we were moving to his daddy's home in the US. 
         Two years after he was born we discovered I was pregnant again. Again - I thought it was the worst time ever, as things were not working out as smoothly as we wanted on different levels... I was spotting again... Not too nervous about it this time. But i was scared and upset a lot, and then i had big meltdown followed by heavy bleeding and trip to ER. I was only 6 weeks pregnant. They said there were small placenta separation (hmmm? didn't think placenta is already formed at that time, but ok) and it might fix itself and it might not, Nothing can't be done, other than trying to take it easy... (right? with a two year old on hands) Anyways we had few very stressful weeks not knowing what is going to happen and i was really miserable trying to rest, but little into second trimester everything started to look good. And once again life proved me wrong - it was the best timing, we made through the rest of the pregnancy fairly easy and we were blessed with the best little girl ever.
        So yes, I am a happy mother of two children - boy and a girl - like i always dreamed...
        Little did i know of what was ahead of me - but we never do.

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