Thursday, November 28, 2013

Can you help?

I am sad tonight. We had a wonderful evening with the kids and grand parents. And tomorrow (well technically today) is Thanksgiving. And I should be excited about long weekend. Yes I am stay at home mom, but weekends matter - a lot - because of loved ones who do have an 8 to 5 job. And we get to set the Christmas tree up after dinner. 

But I just got done writing a little letter to somebody who has been my whole world at some point in my life. And although I believe we remained friendly in our hearts we haven't been staying in touch and only know a little about each other's life from our families. I needed to welcome a conversation as I learned he might be needing it. It is not my story and I feel like they very private about it, so I all I am going to share is that's about very premature baby, that is battling for life. And I am heartbroken for them. And inevitably that makes me think of my baby and be sad about that as well. 

Please, send a positive thought, a good energy or a prayer to help this little baby survive. 

Thank you. 

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